A talented and skilled workforce engaged in meaningful work that contributes to the prosperity of Southwest Indiana


A talented and skilled workforce engaged in meaningful work that contributes to the prosperity of Southwest Indiana


About WorkOne

WorkOne is where service delivery partners connect with customers and each other. It helps people find a new or better job, choose a career, find a good employee, access training, or get the information needed to succeed in today's ever-evolving workplace.

Click Here for Locations

About Jag

The Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to helping high school students of promise who have experienced challenging or traumatic life experiences achieve success through graduation.

Jag's Website

About 4T Academy

High school pathway program designed to provide students an innovative learning experience that couples hands-on learning with on-the job training, all while preparing them for a successful and rewarding career. Created by collaborative partnership with Toyota Indiana, Purdue IN-MaC, Gibson County School Corporations and Ivy Tech.

4T Academy's Website


About WorkOne

WorkOne is where service delivery partners connect with customers and each other. It helps people find a new or better job, choose a career, find a good employee, access training, or get the information needed to succeed in today's ever-evolving workplace.

WorkOne's Website

About Jag

The Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to helping high school students of promise who have experienced challenging or traumatic life experiences achieve success through graduation.

Jag's Website

About 4T Academy

High school pathway program designed to provide students an innovative learning experience that couples hands-on learning with on-the job training, all while preparing them for a successful and rewarding career. Created by collaborative partnership with Toyota Indiana, Purdue IN-MaC, Gibson County School Corporations and Ivy Tech.

4T Academy's Website

About southwest indiana workforce board

We develop and promote strategies that provide a skilled workforce for employers in Southwest Indiana. We support and train job seekers to pursue careers with competitive wages that lead to self-sufficiency. 

This WIOA Title I – financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program.

Equal Opportunity Employer/ Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

If you think that you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIOA Title-I – financially assisted program or activity, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either:

Jody Robinson | Grants and Contracts Manager

Southwest Indiana Workforce Board Inc.

4600 Washington Ave., Suite 113

Evansville, IN 47714

or electronically at EO@swinworkforce.org

Director | Civil Rights Center (CRC)

U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room N-4123

Washington, DC 20210

or electronically as directed on the CRC website at www.dol.gov/crc